At just 18 years old Josie Millard is already one pretty impressive woman. After winning European female skateboarder of the year 2016 at the Bright European Skate Awards, fighting off some serious competition from fellow skaters Julia Brueckler & Kate Shengeliya, Josie has recently been tapped up by NIKE SB to join their team to skate alongside trailblazers in womens skating such as Lacey Baker & is fast becoming one of the UKs figure heads for the womens skate scene, and she's got a whole lot ahead of her.... After meeting up with Josie at the Bike Shed 2017 show we sat & talked skating & motorcycles for our newest VCC team talks to find out about her her experiences in skating, travelling the world & her adventures on her motorcycle.
Hey Josie... So where did you grow up & where do you live now?
I live in Brighton. I’ve lived here for most of my life – aside from 3 years spent in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil as a child.
What attracted you to skateboarding?
I've been skating for about 6/7 years now – started when I was 12. Originally I began skating because the other kids in my neighbourhood were all doing it too. We used to skate outside the front of our houses on pallets and homemade ramps. I borrowed my brother’s skateboard because he didn't seem to use it much and quite quickly I was hooked.
How much has changed since you started skating?
Not all that much, but there are definitely more (and better) skate parks than when I started. Skating’s becoming more mainstream and there’s a lot more girls getting involved now which is great.
You must be seeing some big changes happening the women skate world at the moment?
Sure! Theres alot more coverage & publicity, more sponsorships, general growth really. Im stoked!
Why did you start to skate?
A combination of my mates in the neighbourhood, and me being curious about my brother’s unused skateboard!
Whats your favourite place to skate?
Most of all I love travelling and skating new street spots- stairs, manual pads, that sort of thing. I’m found most often though, at the level - my local skate park.
P: Sirus F Gahan / Lily Gould
Tell us something that not many people know about skating.
After what seems to be a relatively short period of time, street furniture becomes far more than an everyday object- the streets really do become a playground for you. Skate parks themselves have their own bewildering etiquette........ and you fall over far more often than people realize.
Do you prefer skating alone, in skate park or with your mates?
For me skating is a sociable thing, it’s good skating with friends as we all have a laugh and push each other to do things we might not otherwise. I do like , however, skating alone in an empty park – its stress relieving for me.
That seems to be something we come across alot with many of the team talks that we've done with women in different arenas.Whether you're a professional sportswoman or not all these disciplines seem to be a get away for most people. A way to relieve stress or to not think about anything else I know thats what riding my motorcycle does for me for sure. . I find that really inspiring & maybe its a reason that most people that do one thing find them selves going across into other sports or activities. I recently started skating after being taught by girls that we swapped motorcycling riding lesson with. I'm find that so many women that we've met through motorcycles skate tour are involved in other extreme sports. Do you find any similarities between skating & riding?
Absolutely! Its the freedom and the buzz that are the same for me. Personally it feels like it’s just built into who I am. But at the same time, I’m just so pleased to be part of this growing movement of women who are into adventure!
So you've just started riding motorcycles! What inspired you to start?
I seem to be naturally drawn towards activities that give a rush. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that I’m into rock climbing and urban exploring too. I just love the freedom, the sense of adventure! I’d wanted a motorbike for quite some time actually – working one day a week meant it took a while to get the money together, but I have mine now and couldn’t be more stoked ( and I'm already saving for the next one, ha ha )!
Which other people inspire you?
I tend to be fairly eclectic in the range of people I am inspired and influenced by. Sports women Jessica Ennis, Lacey Baker + Lucy Adams. I also admire Dylan Reider, Thom Yorke, Magritte, Cobain, karel Teige, James Kingston, the list goes on.
What advice do you have for anyone else wanting to start skating?
Just go for it. Don’t be intimidated by other people in the park, if you can go early / when it’s quiet that helps to build confidence.... and put the hours in!
P: Sirus F Gahan